Adding Coordinates to a Map Layout


2007-05-17 16:44




arcobjects, esri





A recent request by an ArcMap was user was how to add the current coordinates of the dataframe to the map layout in ArcMap. I messed around with grids and labelling for a while before resorting to a VBA script.

Coordinate Text

The code below should copied and pasted into the VBA Editor in ArcMap, and run when the current view is a page layout. The number of decimal places and distances of the text labels from the grid can be changed easily by modifying the relevant variable.

    1 Public Sub AddCornerText()


    3 Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument

    4 Dim pActiveView As IActiveView

    5 Dim pLayoutExtent As IEnvelope

    6 Dim strText As String

    7 Dim pMapFrame As IFrameElement

    8 Dim pGraphic As IElement

    9 Dim dblOffset As Double

   10 Dim lngRound As Long


   12 ‘this is the offset used so the text does not overlap the map

   13 ‘modify according to needs

   14 dblOffset = 0.2


   16 ‘this is the number of decimal places used for each coordinate value

   17 lngRound = 0


   19 Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument

   20 Set pActiveView = pMxDoc.FocusMap


   22 ‘find the map data frame in the layout


   24 Set pMapFrame = pMxDoc.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMxDoc.ActiveView.FocusMap)

   25 Set pGraphic = pMapFrame

   26 Set pLayoutExtent = pGraphic.Geometry.Envelope


   28 ‘create the bottom left point and text

   29 strText = Round(pActiveView.Extent.XMin, lngRound) & _

   30 “:” & Round(pActiveView.Extent.YMin, lngRound)

   31 AddPoint pLayoutExtent.XMin - dblOffset, pLayoutExtent.YMin - dblOffset, strText


   33 ‘create the top left point and text

   34 strText = Round(pActiveView.Extent.XMin, lngRound) & _

   35 “:” & Round(pActiveView.Extent.YMax, lngRound)

   36 AddPoint pLayoutExtent.XMin - dblOffset, pLayoutExtent.YMax + dblOffset, strText


   38 ‘create the bottom right point and text

   39 strText = Round(pActiveView.Extent.XMax, lngRound) & _

   40 “:” & Round(pActiveView.Extent.YMin, lngRound)

   41 AddPoint pLayoutExtent.XMax + dblOffset, pLayoutExtent.YMin - dblOffset, strText


   43 ‘create the top right point and text

   44 strText = Round(pActiveView.Extent.XMax, lngRound) & _

   45 “:” & Round(pActiveView.Extent.YMax, lngRound)

   46 AddPoint pLayoutExtent.XMax + dblOffset, pLayoutExtent.YMax + dblOffset, strText



   49 pMxDoc.ActiveView.Refresh


   51 End Sub


   53 Private Sub AddPoint(dblX As Double, dblY As Double, strText As String)


   55 Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument

   56 Dim pPoint As IPoint

   57 Dim pTextElement As ITextElement

   58 Dim pPageLayout As IPageLayout

   59 Dim pElement As IElement

   60 Dim pGContainer As IGraphicsContainer


   62 Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument


   64 ‘create the location for the text


   66 Set pPoint = New Point

   67 pPoint.X = dblX

   68 pPoint.Y = dblY


   70 ‘create the text element


   72 Set pTextElement = New TextElement

   73 pTextElement.Text = strText


   75 ‘add the element to the layout


   77 Set pPageLayout = pMxDoc.PageLayout

   78 Set pElement = pTextElement

   79 pElement.Geometry = pPoint

   80 Set pGContainer = pPageLayout

   81 pGContainer.AddElement pElement, 0


   83 End Sub



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