Quantum GIS and MapServer¶
- date:
2009-10-12 15:02
- author:
- category:
mapserver, programming
- tags:
desktop, gis, mapserver, opensource, qgis, quantum gis
- slug:
- status:
One of the main barriers I had to using
MapServer as a web GIS server was that
layers had to be symbolised in a text editor, using a MAPFILE.
It was cumbersome to keep editing and refreshing a browser, there was no
easy way to check for errors, and you have to learn the syntax and
Whilst this is ok for smaller projects where I could make these myself, larger projects require non-programmers to gather data, symbolise it, and handle the map layouts and creation.
I’ve just discovered that another of the OSGeo’s projects, Quantum GIS (often abbreviated to QGIS) has a tool that can take a map project created and symbolised in the desktop application, and export it to a MAPFILE which can be read by MapServer. This seems to be the missing link in a completeOpen Source GIS stack.
I had a few problems finding where this tool was installed. By default the Python files should be in the C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\python\plugins\mapserver_export directory, however this directory did not exist after running through a default installation without paying attention.
OSGeo have a custom installer that you can use to install all their software including MapServer, QuantumGIS, and GRASS. To install Quantum GIS follow the notes on this wiki page. Clearly you need to select QGIS, but the MapServer Export tool also requires python-qgis. I think I missed this the first time round, however you can always rerun the installer to add new packages and libraries.
[caption id=”attachment_138” align=”aligncenter” width=”300”
caption=”The OSGeo Installer”][/caption]
Once you have the Python for QGIS library installed open QGIS, and go to Plugins >> Fetch Python Plugins. The MapServer Export plug-in should be installed. Now go to Plug-Ins >> Manage Plugins and check the MapServer Export box as below.
You should now see a new MapServer Export menu item on the Plugins menu.
Further Details¶
There is a good introduction to using QGIS at http://spatialhorizons.com/category/qgis/
You can also install a standalone version of MapServer Export - http://spatialserver.net/qgis2ms/.
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