Some ArcToolbox Commands¶
- date:
2007-03-06 19:59
- author:
- category:
arcobjects, esri, programming
- slug:
- status:
A few sample ArcToolbox commands I’ve been using recently. These can be run from the command line available in ArcCatalog (in the menu select Window >> Command Line).
- *workspace C:\MyPath\MyGeoDatabase.mdb
Intersect (featureClass1’’;’featureDataset1\featureClass2’ ‘’)
my_output_featureClass ALL # INPUT*
This automates the Intersect tool, found in ArcToolbox under “Analysis Tools >> Overlay >> Intersect” and is useful if this is a process that has to be run several times, and can be part of a batch process. The first line sets the workspace to a geodatabase containing the two input classes, and the second line runs the intersect, outputting all fields to my_output_featureClass.
- *workspace C:\MyPath\MyGeoDatabase.mdb
delete myFeatureClass*
This command deletes a feature class in the geodatabase.
More samples can be found in the ArcGIS Desktop Help under the “Geoprocessing tool reference” section.
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