Setting Up Python on IIS7¶
- date:
2010-02-04 08:30
- author:
- category:
python, web development
- tags:
64bit, handlers, IIS7, ISAPI, PyISAPIe, python, WSGI
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- status:
I had already configured Python to run through the Apache
webserver on
my development server, but after a few issues on the production server
(Apache freezing / crashing) I wanted to test running Python scripts
with IIS7. The principle aim was to run
TileCache through IIS rather than requiring
Why Not CGI?¶
While IIS 7 has Fast-CGI installed (see this IIS forum), even better performance can be achieved using ISAPI. This answer from ServerFault has a good summary on why ISAPI should be preferred over than CGI. Not only performance should be considered - maintenance should also be taken into account. If a web master or hosting service is familiar with IIS then they are also likely to be familiar with ISAPI.
From the PyISAPIe site:
The reason ISAPI applications have the capability of being better than `CGI <>`__ or `FastCGI <>`__ applications is mostly due to its tight integration with the web server environment. Instead of initializing an entire program from scratch (in this case, the Python interpreter) every time a request is made for a page, an ISAPI extension only has to provide a function that is called upon every request. For interpreting Python scripts on a per-request basis, this means that the interpreter can be initialized once and used many times, creating a very noticeable performance gain.
Some Definitions…¶
WSGI-The Web Server Gateway Interface defines a simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language.
My interpretation - WSGI glues together IIS and Python scripts, or any web server and Python application combination, in a standard way.
ISAPI - The Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) is an N-tier API of Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft’s collection of Windows-based web server services. The most prominent application of IIS and ISAPI is Microsoft’s web server.
My uninformed interpretation - ISAPI allows DLLs written in a variety of languages to be loaded into IIS to handle web requests. ASP.NET would therefore be an ISAPI extension, set to handle requests which end in .aspx
The Python ISAPI Extension¶
I initially tried isapi-wsgi, but I didn’t have much luck setting it up (I gave up fairly quickly though). It also depended on “Mark Hammond’s Python win32 isapi extension” - and I was trying to keep the amount of packages installed and added to a minimum. I therefore chose to use PyISAPIe which has no dependencies, and only requires a DLL and a folder containing a few .py files.
Documentation and installation instructions are sparse, and assume good knowledge of Python, IIS, and web requests in general in which I was lacking. In retrospect they make perfect sense though! The following links seem to be about the sum knowledge of PyISAPIe on the web - the homepage, the install guide, getting started, the news group, and the API. It struck me a few times while trying to set up Python and IIS that the numbers of people that doing this could be incredibly low. The last Microsoft article I found relates to IIS 5..
Installation on IIS 7¶
1. First make sure IIS is actually installed (Server Manager >> Roles >> Add Web Server IIS). Ensure the ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI filters are both checked.
2. Download the latest PyISAPIe extension. Make sure you get the correct version for your version of Python. In this example I am using Python 2.5.4 and PyISAPIe 1.1.0-rc4-Py2.5
3. Where to put the files took a while to the end it becomes apparent they can be placed anywhere! I got confused by my understanding of packages and by thinking I could test the Python scripts outside of a browser / IIS.
In the end I created a new folder in C:\Python25 named PyISAPIe. I then copied into this the pyISAPIe.dll and HTTP folder.
4. Next you’ll need to set up the handler in IIS. I wanted all files that ended with the .py extension to be handled by the PyISAPIe DLL, so I did the following:
under sites add a new application (I used the name /apps)
select the site, and then select “Handler Mappings”
right-click and select “Add Script Map”
set the “Request path” to *.py
set the “Executable” to “C:\Python25\PyISAPIe\PyISAPIe.dll
give the handler a relevant name such as “PyISAPIe”
in the Request Restrictions section, I set my handler to run only when a request contains a .py file that exists on the server. I set it handle all verbs (GET and POST), and gave it Script access.
select the “View Ordered List” in the Actions panel to see in what order handlers will be applied to a request. Make sure your .py handler has a higher priority than the default StaticFile handler, or it won’t get a chance to handle anything. The StaticFile handler may also appear to be handling requests if your custom handler fails as by default PyISAPIe moves to the next handler on an error.
Important! If you are using a64-bit machine, you will need to create a new application pool, and set “Enable 32-bit Applications” to true. This is false by default. I found this blog post fairly early on describing the issue but, as if by magic, the true setting for my application pool had at some point been set back to false, leading to hours of being confronted by the near useless message:
HTTP Error 404.4 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it.
The Getting Started Guide should be followed, but I have a few gotchas, learnt the hard way. First save a Python script into your web application folder with a name such as with the test code from the guide:
from Http import *
def Request():
Header("Content-type: text/html")
Write("Hello, World!")
Note this script cannot be run from a Python editor, you will get warnings such as:
ImportError: No module named Http
Even if the HTTP module is in the PYTHONPATH, or site-packages folder you will still receive an error such as that below, as the DLL needs to be loaded through ISAPI.
ImportError: No module named PyISAPIe
Pointing to should bring up the output of your Python script. Things get more confusing when you want to debug a more complicated script, as it appears nothing you change in your script has any effect. This is because once the script is run it stays loaded in memory, so no alterations are taken into account. To disable this (for testing only - change it back when everything is working correctly) modify the C:\Python25\PyISAPIe\Http\ file.
def Request():
Script = Env.SCRIPT_NAME
Key = Name = '__'+md5(Script).hexdigest().upper()
Handler = Handlers.get(Key, None)
# the following line will ensure the script is reloaded on each request
Handler = None
if not Handler:
Handlers[Key] = imp.load_source(Key, Env.SCRIPT_TRANSLATED).Request
except Exception, Val:
# trigger a passthrough to the next ISAPI handler -
#return True
# or just fail, preferable for an application map
# show errors in the browser
raise ImportError, "[Loading '%s'] %s" % (Env.SCRIPT_TRANSLATED, str(Val))
return Handlers[Key]()
Note the changes you make to the * file itself* requires IIS to be restarted to take effect. The above modifications only cause the scripts in your www/apps directory to be refreshed on each request.
If you always return true on any exception in the file (rather than throwing the error) then you may be met with the following message:
Possible recursion detected!
You probably did a passthrough with PyISAPIe configured as an application map instead of a wildcard map.
I *think* this is because the first handler failed to return a proper response, and so it goes to the next handler for the application. Just failing should provide you with a better error message from Python.
If I’ve missed out any key steps in this summary feel free to add comments below and I’ll integrate them into the post. Last but not least many thanks to the developer of PyISAPIe - Phillip Sitbon.
- orphan:
1. jusan **
where can i download Mod_python for python 2.7 where through page not found?
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